Friday, 19 February 2016

Why I Do What I Do

                                           >>>>>>>>>>>>>Rich Forne<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

It has been a while since I have taken a step back and realized why I do what I do. A friend recommended I take a gander at this guys old BMX video. Good god.
Some More Unreal Engine Level Design

Check out this CTF outdoor Mayan ruin map I made. Its got a bunch of hidden path ways and a few sniper windows. The center piece is a skull shrine that will explode and breath damaging fire when hit with enough fire power!

Some Unreal Engine dabbling

I spent some time playing with UDK3 and made this float platform capture the flag map. It was pretty fun..

Some Past Works

Back when I started using Unity3D I had developed this surface scanner thingy... It would collect data about certain surfacers that are in a range of the object that is rests on. Basically it was not made for any select purpose but more as a tool. The bottom video is an example of the system being put to use for a wall climb sort of what you might see in game like Price Of Persia. I though it was pretty cool.

Thursday, 18 February 2016

BMX Streets Mobile

A few months a go Mash Games spent off developing BMX Streets and spent some time building BMX Streets Mobile. Mash Games is still a startup company and there could not have been a better way to kick things off. Instead of launching a kick starter or what ever a product was delivered. For those who have already purchased the game I thank you very much and hope you enjoy it. For those who have not go check it out!

BMX Streets

BMX Streets is the recent title in the works here. This video is from 2 months of production. There is much much more to do.. It has been a good start off from previous attempts. Some good news tho for those who have been following BMX Streets on Instagram since the beginning. There is an un-official release date for December 2016!.